You may be here because you came across a decently priced cross rib roast at the grocery store or because you have it in the freezer and are wondering how to cook it. Let my trials and errors guide you! My husband is a cattle rancher and that leaves me with every cut of beef in my freezer to experiment with. It has taken nearly a decade but I finally have it figured out 😎.

What is a Cross Rib Roast?
A cross rib roast comes from the Chuck section of the animal. Although this is commonly considered a less tender cut, it is still tender if you cook it properly!

How do you cook a Cross Rib Roast?
There are two ways to cook a cross rib roast. The first way is to Roast it (dry heat) and the second is to braise it (moist heat.) If you want beef that falls apart and shreds, you should braise it. I have a whole recipe for how to do that successfully here. In this post, I am sharing how to get a tender cross rib roast by roasting it.
- Take the roast out of the fridge about 1 hour before you plan on putting it in the oven. This gets the chill off of it, and helps achieve a more even cook.
- pat the natural moisture off of the roast before seasoning it.
- Brown the roast - cooking the roast at a high temperature, it helps brown the outside of the roast and develops lots of flavour.
- Roast it to 10 degrees Fahrenheit less than what your final desired temperature is. The roast will continue to cook as it rests.
- let the roast rest before slicing it
- and cut it against the grain for tender bites.

What temperature do I cook Cross Rib Roast to?
Medium Rare 145∘F (Take out of the oven at 135∘F)
Medium 160∘F (Take out of the oven at 150∘F)
Well Done 170∘F (Take out of the oven at 160∘F)
How do you season a Cross Rib Roast?
Seasoning is a personal thing. Some people like to have a herb-crusted roast whereas others prefer to have salt and pepper only. In this recipe, I have more of a herb-forward seasoning that you can use on this recipe! If you just love the taste of beef, stick to salt and pepper! Please refer to this chart if you wish to use a different seasoning blend than the one I have in the recipe card below.
Herb Crusted (Blend all Ingredients in a Blender, pat onto roast before following recipe as written) | 1 Teaspoon Salt, ½ teaspoon black pepper ½ cup Canola oil 5 cloves garlic 1 bunch parsley, leaves only ½ bunch fresh thyme, leaves only 8 sprigs fresh oregano, leaves only 2 sprigs fresh rosemary, leaves only 2 tablespoons mustard powder |
Salt & Pepper | 1 Teaspoon Salt, ½ Teaspoon Pepper |
Sweet & Smokey Mix all the seasoning together in a bowl, then apply evenly to the outside of the roast before following the recipe as written. | 2 tablespoons Paprika 2 teaspoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 ½ teaspoons salt ¾ teaspoon black pepper ¾ teaspoon dried rosemary ½ teaspoon dried thyme ¼ teaspoon dried oregano ¼ teaspoon dried basil ¼ teaspoon dried parsley |
How do I make Gravy for Cross Rib Roast?
While your roast is resting: you can make gravy!! A simple way to do this is to melt ¼ cup of butter in the Pan you roasted your meat in and then add ¼ cup of flour to the melted butter. Whisk the two together and then slowly add 2-3 cups of water. (depending on how much gravy you want!) when you add the water, only add about ¼ cup at a time and whisk the whole time. Let the mixture thicken before adding more.

How do you cut a cross rib roast?
For cross rib roast, you want to sharpen your knife, cut the strings off and then assess your roast. it should have a distinctive bone section and ”loin” section. I remove the bone section from the loin section and save it for later. Then I slice the loin section against the grain and serve. Please read through these tips to ensure you have the best cross rib roast.
- Let roast rest for 15-20 minutes before carving. This keeps juices intact.
- Using a sharp carving knife, create a smooth slicing motion.
- Cut only the number of slices needed for the meal. This helps to keep leftover portions juicy.
- Always cut against the grain to maintain tenderness.
- Slice meat crosswise, going against the grain. This is essential for maintaining a tender cut of beef.
- If the roast is tied with string, always cut the direction of the string. Butchers always tie the string against the grain, so this is an easy way to identify the grain.

What can I make with Cross Rib Roast Leftovers?
SO MANY THINGS. If you have leftovers you can Slice the roast thinly and freeze them in 1 pound packs. I like to make sandwiches or Steak Ramen (except just use the roast beef instead of steak😉) With this roast pictured, I actually ended up boiling the bone until the meat fell off and made the most decadent bone broth, which then became soup! Please sound off in the comments with how you used your leftovers, i'd love to hear!
What Roast cuts are similar to Cross Rib Roast?
- Bottom Blade Pot roast
- Top Blade Pot Roast
- Blade Pot Roast
- Shoulder Pot Roast

What can I serve with Cross Rib Roast?
- Perfect Mashed Potatoes
- Smoked Carrots with Honey Garlic Glaze
- Apple Walnut Spinach Salad
- Simple Grilled Peach Blueberry Salad with Balsamic Glaze

Oven Roasted Cross Rib Roast
- Thermometer or Temperature Probe
- Dutch oven or Roasting Pan
- 3-5 Pounds Bone-In Cross-Rib Roast
- 4 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar Or Balsamic Vinegar
- 4 Cloves Garlic
- 3 Teaspoons Dried Thyme
- 1.5 Teaspoons Dried Rosemary
- 1 Tablespoon Salt
- 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
- 1 Tablespoon Canola Oil
- ¼ Cup Butter preferably unsalted
- ¼ Cup All-Purpose Flour
- 2 Cups Water
Prepare the Meat
- Take the meat out of the fridge, discard the packaging and pat dry with a paper towel.
- Make a paste out of the seasoning ingredients. This can be done with a knife, mortar and pestle, blender or food processor.
- Apply the seasoning paste evenly to all sides of the roast. Place the temperature probe into the roast now and then put the roast in the vessel you will cook it in. I like to use a dutch oven.
- Let the roast sit out at room temperature for one hour. (optional)
- Preheat the oven to 450°F
- place the seasoned roast in the oven (uncovered) for 15 minutes. This is when the meat will brown and get a nice sear on it!
- without opening the oven door or covering the roast, turn the temperature of the oven down to 300°F and cook for 60 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 130-135°F (see chart in notes if you want a medium or a well-done roast)
- Once the roast reaches desired internal temperature, remove the from the oven and place it on a plate, tent the roast with foil. Let rest for at least 10 minutes
Gravy (optional)
- Place the dish you roasted your roast in on the stove. Turn to medium heat. Add butter and let it melt. Once it is melted, add flour and use a whisk to combine the two. Now add your water in ¼ of a cup at a time. Be sure to whisk all the lumps out each time you add water and let the mixture thicken before adding the next ¼ cup. Taste to see if salt or pepper is needed at the end.
Cut the Roast
- Remove the Cook String.
- Remove the bone section from the 'loin' section. Set Aside
- Slice the loin section into ¼" or less thick pieces. Be sure to slice against the grain. Serve with gravy.
Well Done 170∘F (Take out of the oven at 160∘F)